Friday, 26 February 2021

Kiarna's Week 4, Term 1, 2021 Reflection.

 Week 4, Term 1, 2021

The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time this week is doing Takaro because I played with people I wouldn’t usually play with.

We started our art this week and I have chosen to do art with Miss Mac.  Our art is going to be Collage I chose collage because it had a bit of everything.

We created our Whetū stars on Thursday and they look extraordinary because I had photos of my family and we put a whakatoke on the other side of the star and I did some patterns around the quote as well.

Next week we have our school swimming sports. I am feeling Confident and edgy at the same time. I'm feeling a bit nervous because I might end up coming second or third but I'm confident in myself because I never give

Friday, 19 February 2021

Start of school year reflection!

`Week 3, Term 1, 2021

Someone who has helped me with my learning this year is Friends, Teachers.

The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time is swimming, numbots, and rotations. 

The most fun thing that I have done at a play or lunchtime this year is poison letter, tag and saving a butterfly. (It was really fun to help the butterfly)

One word that describes learning in Whetu is enjoyment.

Something I am looking forward to is Art!