For the literacy mystery, I worked by myself, and I checked twice to see if it was right. It was really fun and I would do it again. My favorite part was doing the real and nonsense words and I got them right.
Hi my name is Kiarna I'm a year 6 and I like to swim and my favorite color is purple and green!
For the literacy mystery, I worked by myself, and I checked twice to see if it was right. It was really fun and I would do it again. My favorite part was doing the real and nonsense words and I got them right.
For the letter of the week, the letter was M.
It was quite hard to think of some verbs and adjectives because I don't usually do that sort of stuff.
I think I did quite well if you ask me. I really like my sentence because it's about DISNEY!
Today for the Whetu challenge we did memes my ones are really funny and I think that if you read these you would laugh too.
For Maori language week, we had to choose a word in Maori, and I choose Kia Kaha which means be strong.
Why I choose Kia Kaha, I choose Kia Kaha because it means to be strong
I really like Maori language week because its a time to treasure the beautiful language.
( sorry there's no video)
This week I participated in the cooking group it was really fun.
On the first day, we went through the safety in the kitchen of not leaving things on the ground and other stuff like that.
On the second day, we were doing a word-find and chopping the veggies!
On the third day, we tried the soup and I definitely will not be having vegetable soup again.
The part I liked the most was cutting the veggies.
For the letter of the week, the letter is g and I really enjoyed it. My favorite part was making the sentence. I hope we do it next week because I want to do it again.
Today we did our last day of science doing crystals art I did an owl it looks really cool. My crystal art is still crystallizing I really hope it turns out cooler than it already is. The theme of my one is a cold night with trees in the background and my owl is sitting on a branch.