Friday, 31 July 2020

Egg Drop Challenge!!

Friday 31st July 2020.
Today we did an Egg Drop Challenge!!!

I really enjoyed it but the only downside was the smell of raw egg disgusted me but otherwise that it was amazing.

To build our secureness we used string, newspaper scissors, tape, a balloon and an old sock,.

Our results were bad because our egg splatted everywhere probably we had a bad omen because we named the egg Mr. Crack.


Friday, 24 July 2020

Matariki stars!

This week I did my Matariki stars and I did my best effort to draw the pictures to explain what is going on in the picture. I think that my rating is 10/10. My favorite part was doing the drawing because I love drawing!
                     (Here is my picture)

Monday, 13 July 2020

My cats X-rays.

This is my cat Tigger X-rays.
He has seven screws and a titanium plate in his front right radius(elbow).

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Missing cat comes home.

Over the holiday my cat Tigger went missing.

On Monday around 5 o'clock my cat Tigger went outside and didn't come back in.

On Tuesday we searched everywhere for my cat, but he was nowhere in sight. We kept looking sky to the ground but he was not in our section.

On Wednesday we went to the movies and had all our hope up for him to appear and wait for us.
When we came home our praying had worked because he was sitting with our dog. When my sister went close to him she said he was holding up one paw.

Mum came and had a look and then she called the vets because his arm looked out of place.

When we arrived at the vets they said he had to stay for the night and get some x-rays done.  This was at our vets in Paeroa.  When the vet rang my mum later that night she said that he had a broken leg.

My mum was worried and at the same time, I was worried, because we had to take him to Pukekohe so he could have surgery for a plate to go in.  He has now got a titanium plate and 7 screws holding his bone together.

After him being in Pukekohe for a night we went and picked him up.  He was in a blue cast and a cone around his head.

Here are some really cute photos of my cat in his cast and cone.


Wednesday, 1 July 2020

My Term 2, 2020 Reflection.

My Term 2, 2020 Reflection

The new learning activity that I have enjoyed the most this term is the
Number of the day because it has improved my math skills..
What I like about maths is that it takes time and I don’t give up!
The math challenges me a lot because it might be a bigger number than you think.    

Something that has challenged me this term
has been Matariki because I don’t know a lot about Matariki. I had fun every minute while doing it.  

The Whetu Challenge I enjoyed the most was the Design Your Room, Week 11 because it was
soooooooooo fun and you get to design your dream room and there's more you
could do any room you want and that's why I enjoyed it. 

The opt-in workshop I enjoyed the most was the roll-a-drawing because
I love art. It was so much fun learning something new by making a silly
spider or a mischievous monster, crazy critter.

An aim I have for my learning is to focus more, not to talk to people in my surroundings
and be a supernova!!!!!!!! And also to have fun.