Friday, 26 June 2020

Week 11 challenge.

Egg carton challenge

I used black buttons, straws, vivid, orange felt, and... Egg cartons.
I really was frustrated during the progress because I burned myself and my snowman is not white plus I couldn't finish in time.

Even tho the progress was slow I enjoyed every minute of it.

The most challenging part was that my finger didn't work as well because it really hurt because of my burn.

But I still love it.


Thursday, 25 June 2020

Matariki Jigsaw puzzle.

I did my Matariki jigsaw and I  found quite interesting because Matariki is very cool to look at the cluster of stars but I chose my favorite pictures  to show what they look  like and at the end I'm
excited to make a puzzle with all the pieces.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Week 11 Blog Challenge!

I did my blog challenge and it went really well. I designed two rooms I did a bedroom and a classroom. What I most like about my rooms is that they have some sports gear and there cool in general. I loved doing it and taking my time. I really want to do more stuff like this in the future!


Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Matariki Reading task.

My Matariki task was sooooo fun! I am not that good with getting correct answers but I love Matariki. The point is Matariki is to remember your loved ones that have passed on. My Mahi I say it's pretty cool to do something extraordinary.    

Friday, 19 June 2020

Paper Air Plane Challenge

Before we started I thought this challenge would be easy.

I decided to use the design of the on plane fire on one side but on the other just stripes.

The hardest part was getting it to fly because it kept falling but the main thing for me was to have fun!

During our competition time, I managed to score 0 points because my plane would not fly.

My favorite thing was flying my plane and watching people try there best.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Week 10 blog challenge.

For the birthday blog challenge, I did a cat on a fence it is shouting Happy B-day I really hope I win but most important is that I had fun.

Synthesis Eggs.

My Synthesis eggs are about white whales. I learned a lot of knowledge that I did knot know about white whales.

Kiarna Sick sentences - Week 10,

I made really sick sentences and really cool check them out.  (For the people who have no access I have a photo of the sentences for you)

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Synthesis Eggs!

I did my synthesis eggs on the hickory horned devil caterpillar. I think I did really good (I also have a photo)  My favorite part was learning that the caterpillar can be as big as a hot dog.


Tuesday, 9 June 2020

!Sick sentences!

Here are my really Sick sentences. I rate it a supernova because I tried my best to do it that is why I rated it a supernova.                                               

Can you make a list of nouns that you can see in the picture?

Nouns are naming words

E.g. bird, bee

Write the nouns here:
  • Bee 
  • Owl
  • Wings 
  • Beak

Friday, 5 June 2020

Tennis Ball Tower Challenge

Tennis Ball Tower Challenge

Today for our Whetu Challenge we worked in a group to build a tower out of newspaper,
2 straws, and sellotape. We needed to make our tower strong enough to hold a tennis ball and be able
to stand alone (not leaning on anything or needing support).

Today I worked with Emilly, Maia.

At first, we had trouble with running out of paper.

The easiest thing was cutting the sellotape.

The best part of our tower was it had the mayor of tennis town in the build.

Our tower looked like an amusement park ride.

In the end, our tower was the sturdiest.

Blog Challenge!

I did another blog challenge this time of my other cat Tigger!

!Synthesis Eggs!

My Synthesis eggs. Here is a photo of my Mahi. My photo explains everything (Sorry it's not good footage)

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Animal blog challenge!

This week's blog challenge I did my cat Tabby!