Thursday, 30 April 2020

Flower science experiment part 2!

Hi, guys hope you're doing well.  This is, if you remember, my dyed flowers. I have dried the petals off the flowers. I dried the green rose, pink jasmines, and alyssums. Oh, and I left them to dry for a week here are two photos of the petals.  

Maths Challenge - week two

Maths Challenges

6-pin bowling challenge

4 + 3 = 7
5 = 5
1 + 2 = 3
1 + 4 + 6 = 11
3 + 6 + 5 = 14

make piles of 4 coins
move 2 from the 6 to the 2 coins
move 1 from the 5 to the 3 coins
photo ->

first, I found 3 triangles but then I found 13
first, I found 8 rectangles but then I found 12

10 rabbits is 40 legs
10 chickens is 20 legs - 60 legs

11 rabbits is 44 legs
9 chickens is 18 legs - 62 legs

12 rabbits is 48 legs
8 chickens is 16 legs - 64 legs

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

The background of my kitten.

Hi, guys hope you're doing well  I wanted to give you guys an interesting story to read over lockdown.

On the 23rd March of before lockdown started, my dad brought a kitten home. We didn't know what gender it was so we decided to call the kitten Ranger. Why Ranger you may be thinking? Well,
let me explain!

The kitten was seen in the leachate pond at Dad's work.  Dad and another worker rescued her by getting a long net and scooping her up into it, bringing her into the side.  When she got to land she ran off fast and hid beneath the Ford Ranger.  They didn't see her again. 

Later on, Dad was at the workshop and the driver of the Ranger came up and started steam cleaning his ute.  He called out to Dad to come and look, and under the bonnet. Dad saw the black kitten.  She was hiding in the engine of the Ranger. 

Dad managed to catch her, clean her up and bought her home. When she got home we gave her a bath.  She was really scared but over the next few days, she started to become more friendly.

We have her separated from the other cats because they are a bit too rough.

She loves cuddles, playing with toys, her blanket, and her hot water bottle.

When lockdown is over we are going find her a loving family. I will miss her.

Here is a photo of her.


Tuesday, 21 April 2020

ANZAC Lego Challenge

For ANZAC day I did the lego challenge.  I made grass, crosses, poppies, and scenery. I added horses because they were in the war.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Chapter Challenge!

For chapter challenge, I did a drawing of the turtle Dribble. At the start, I sketched a fishbowl and then two rocks, seaweed, and Dribble. After hearing the start of the book I want to read it! 

Friday, 17 April 2020

flower science experiment

I did a science experiment to see if white flowers would change colour if food colouring or dye was put in their water. 

I used 6 different white flowers and used green, blue, red, pink, yellow and black for the colours.

I thought the white flowers would change colour because they drink from their stems.

The first flower to change colour was the rose. It started to go green after about 17 minutes.  I think this is because the stem is softer than the other flowers or it may be a better drinker than
the other flowers.

The white alyssum (tiny flowers) turned blue but took a lot longer than the other flowers.  By the next day, the leaves had changed from green to blue too!

The white camellia didn’t change colour at all.

The flowers started to change colour from the outside of the petals and slowly went into the centre.  Some of the pollen in the middle also changed colours. At the end, some of the petals fell off.

Some of the photos below show that they changed colour.

At the beginning this is what the flowers looked like:
At the end of the experiment they looked like this:


Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Art in Isolation

Hi everyone hope you're doing good in Isolation. During Isolation, I've been working on a piece of art. I called it Butterflies Flying Free.