Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Chapter Chat!

 In this week's Chapter Chat I did a digital design Wartime identity card. It was really fun.  

My favorite part was making the icon for the photo identity. 

I made the color brown because in the day they didn't have fancy colored paper they just had brown or white.

I made the person with Avatar maker and I made the whole card on google drawings.


Thursday, 19 November 2020

Letter of the week!

 This week's letter of the week I did the letter E, I enjoyed this week very much, and my favorite bit was the sentence. 

Monday, 16 November 2020

Grammar cop!

  This week on Whoogle, I did Grammar cop and it's all about Commas and Capital letters.  I really enjoyed it because you could re-wright the sentences and add commas and capital letters because otherwise, it would have no punctuation or expression. I am hoping that Grammar cop will be a task in the future! Here is the link to the Grammar cop  

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Letter of the week. Week 5.

 This week I did letter of the week and the letter was C, I enjoyed doing the letter of the week because I thought of some words that  I don't usually use. Here is a  picture of my letter of the week!


Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Kaikoura seals!!

 On the way down to Christchurch, we stopped along the Kaikoura Coast and saw 100s of seals. 

It was a miracle to see how much we saw. There were pups and adults. 

Some were playing. Most of the pups were learning how to swim in rock pools. And lots were snoozing! 

There was one in particular that I watched because it looked like my dog!    

Thursday, 24 September 2020

!!Literacy mystery!!

 For the literacy mystery, I worked by myself, and I checked twice to see if it was right. It was really fun and I would do it again.  My favorite part was doing the real and nonsense words and I got them right.


The astronaut was...
Hugo Cooper  

Monday, 21 September 2020

Letter of the week!

 For the letter of the week, the letter was M. 

It was quite hard to think of some verbs and adjectives because I don't usually do that sort of stuff. 

I think I did quite well if you ask me. I really like my sentence because it's about DISNEY!  


Friday, 18 September 2020


 Today for the Whetu challenge we did memes my ones are really funny and I think that if you read these you would laugh too.


Maori language week.

 For Maori language week, we had to choose a word in Maori, and I choose Kia Kaha which means be strong.

Why I choose Kia Kaha, I choose Kia Kaha because it means to be strong   

I really like Maori language week because its a time to treasure the beautiful language.

( sorry there's no video)






Maths mystery.

For maths mystery, I worked with Brianna I don't know if we got the answer right but we tried.

My favorite part was the word search because there fun.  

It was quite challenging but I got there in the end.

I really like it when it's challenging because it teaches me to push my limits. 

I would do it again.

Our answer. 


Thursday, 17 September 2020


This week I participated in the cooking group it was really fun.

On the first day, we went through the safety in the kitchen of not leaving things on the ground and other stuff like that.

On the second day, we were doing a word-find and chopping the veggies!

On the third day, we tried the soup and I definitely will not be having vegetable soup again.

The part I liked the most was cutting the veggies.


Letter of the week!

 For the letter of the week, the letter is g and I really enjoyed it. My favorite part was making the sentence. I hope we do it next week because I want to do it again.


Thursday, 10 September 2020

!Crystal Art!

Today we did our last day of science doing crystals art I did an owl it looks really cool. My crystal art is still crystallizing I really hope it turns out cooler than it already is.  The theme of my one is a cold night with trees in the background and my owl is sitting on a branch.


Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Homemade crystals!!

For science, we made crystals we used borax, hot water, and food coloring. First, we added hot water in the jar and then added borax we chose the color blue and we stirred and stirred the mixture and then we waited for a day, and then crystals formed.   

Friday, 28 August 2020


For our research, we looked further into famous people of New Zealand. 
I did Jean Batten.
After we finished we had to print the sheet out and add some color.
Why I did Jean, I did Jean because I was inspired by my parents doing flying.
I think I will do more research on famous people again!


Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Maths Mahi Investigation!

For my Math Mahi, I did my investigation about antie-clockwise. My favorite part was cutting the paper. It was quite peaceful if you ask me! What I loved was the animals on the cards the I loved the cat the most.


Monday, 24 August 2020

!!My POP Art!!

For art, I did pop art. My favorite part is the seal, I think the rainbow background really suits the purple and blue seal. It was quite challenging to get the right body shape and colors. I think I will do pop art again after the results!


Friday, 21 August 2020

My Inquiry research about zoos!!!

For our inquiry, we looked at the pros and cons about zoos. There were choices of a brochure, posters, or an advertisement, I choose to do a poster. I rate it a super-nova even tho it doesn't have colour.


Thursday, 20 August 2020

Maths Mahi!

For my Maths Mahi, we had to enlarge the picture but we drew it but what was important is that I enjoyed it. What I enlarged, I enlarged a love heart. In my vision, I love it because it's rainbow!


Friday, 14 August 2020

Kiarna Cross Country Reflection.

Cross Country Reflection 2020 

This year I did not participate in the NPS Cross Country because I had a broken wrist. If I did do the Cross Country it would be held at school on the Ngatea Domain. 

I am most proud of all of my effort I put in each training session. 

I think my effort towards our training at school was to get at least 2 laps per training session and sometimes to aim to do more.

I showed the Learning Power of Resilience by keeping on walking in the training sessions even if my wrist was so sore. 

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Maths Mahi line of symmetry!

For my Math Mahi, I did the line of symmetry and my one was a hot air balloon. I think that my one is very good. What I enjoyed the most was ruling out the lines. I also enjoyed picking which one I wanted to do there were many choices.

Friday, 31 July 2020

Egg Drop Challenge!!

Friday 31st July 2020.
Today we did an Egg Drop Challenge!!!

I really enjoyed it but the only downside was the smell of raw egg disgusted me but otherwise that it was amazing.

To build our secureness we used string, newspaper scissors, tape, a balloon and an old sock,.

Our results were bad because our egg splatted everywhere probably we had a bad omen because we named the egg Mr. Crack.


Friday, 24 July 2020

Matariki stars!

This week I did my Matariki stars and I did my best effort to draw the pictures to explain what is going on in the picture. I think that my rating is 10/10. My favorite part was doing the drawing because I love drawing!
                     (Here is my picture)

Monday, 13 July 2020

My cats X-rays.

This is my cat Tigger X-rays.
He has seven screws and a titanium plate in his front right radius(elbow).

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Missing cat comes home.

Over the holiday my cat Tigger went missing.

On Monday around 5 o'clock my cat Tigger went outside and didn't come back in.

On Tuesday we searched everywhere for my cat, but he was nowhere in sight. We kept looking sky to the ground but he was not in our section.

On Wednesday we went to the movies and had all our hope up for him to appear and wait for us.
When we came home our praying had worked because he was sitting with our dog. When my sister went close to him she said he was holding up one paw.

Mum came and had a look and then she called the vets because his arm looked out of place.

When we arrived at the vets they said he had to stay for the night and get some x-rays done.  This was at our vets in Paeroa.  When the vet rang my mum later that night she said that he had a broken leg.

My mum was worried and at the same time, I was worried, because we had to take him to Pukekohe so he could have surgery for a plate to go in.  He has now got a titanium plate and 7 screws holding his bone together.

After him being in Pukekohe for a night we went and picked him up.  He was in a blue cast and a cone around his head.

Here are some really cute photos of my cat in his cast and cone.


Wednesday, 1 July 2020

My Term 2, 2020 Reflection.

My Term 2, 2020 Reflection

The new learning activity that I have enjoyed the most this term is the
Number of the day because it has improved my math skills..
What I like about maths is that it takes time and I don’t give up!
The math challenges me a lot because it might be a bigger number than you think.    

Something that has challenged me this term
has been Matariki because I don’t know a lot about Matariki. I had fun every minute while doing it.  

The Whetu Challenge I enjoyed the most was the Design Your Room, Week 11 because it was
soooooooooo fun and you get to design your dream room and there's more you
could do any room you want and that's why I enjoyed it. 

The opt-in workshop I enjoyed the most was the roll-a-drawing because
I love art. It was so much fun learning something new by making a silly
spider or a mischievous monster, crazy critter.

An aim I have for my learning is to focus more, not to talk to people in my surroundings
and be a supernova!!!!!!!! And also to have fun. 

Friday, 26 June 2020

Week 11 challenge.

Egg carton challenge

I used black buttons, straws, vivid, orange felt, and... Egg cartons.
I really was frustrated during the progress because I burned myself and my snowman is not white plus I couldn't finish in time.

Even tho the progress was slow I enjoyed every minute of it.

The most challenging part was that my finger didn't work as well because it really hurt because of my burn.

But I still love it.


Thursday, 25 June 2020

Matariki Jigsaw puzzle.

I did my Matariki jigsaw and I  found quite interesting because Matariki is very cool to look at the cluster of stars but I chose my favorite pictures  to show what they look  like and at the end I'm
excited to make a puzzle with all the pieces.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Week 11 Blog Challenge!

I did my blog challenge and it went really well. I designed two rooms I did a bedroom and a classroom. What I most like about my rooms is that they have some sports gear and there cool in general. I loved doing it and taking my time. I really want to do more stuff like this in the future!


Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Matariki Reading task.

My Matariki task was sooooo fun! I am not that good with getting correct answers but I love Matariki. The point is Matariki is to remember your loved ones that have passed on. My Mahi I say it's pretty cool to do something extraordinary.    

Friday, 19 June 2020

Paper Air Plane Challenge

Before we started I thought this challenge would be easy.

I decided to use the design of the on plane fire on one side but on the other just stripes.

The hardest part was getting it to fly because it kept falling but the main thing for me was to have fun!

During our competition time, I managed to score 0 points because my plane would not fly.

My favorite thing was flying my plane and watching people try there best.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Week 10 blog challenge.

For the birthday blog challenge, I did a cat on a fence it is shouting Happy B-day I really hope I win but most important is that I had fun.

Synthesis Eggs.

My Synthesis eggs are about white whales. I learned a lot of knowledge that I did knot know about white whales.

Kiarna Sick sentences - Week 10,

I made really sick sentences and really cool check them out.  (For the people who have no access I have a photo of the sentences for you)

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Synthesis Eggs!

I did my synthesis eggs on the hickory horned devil caterpillar. I think I did really good (I also have a photo)  My favorite part was learning that the caterpillar can be as big as a hot dog.


Tuesday, 9 June 2020

!Sick sentences!

Here are my really Sick sentences. I rate it a supernova because I tried my best to do it that is why I rated it a supernova.                                               

Can you make a list of nouns that you can see in the picture?

Nouns are naming words

E.g. bird, bee

Write the nouns here:
  • Bee 
  • Owl
  • Wings 
  • Beak

Friday, 5 June 2020

Tennis Ball Tower Challenge

Tennis Ball Tower Challenge

Today for our Whetu Challenge we worked in a group to build a tower out of newspaper,
2 straws, and sellotape. We needed to make our tower strong enough to hold a tennis ball and be able
to stand alone (not leaning on anything or needing support).

Today I worked with Emilly, Maia.

At first, we had trouble with running out of paper.

The easiest thing was cutting the sellotape.

The best part of our tower was it had the mayor of tennis town in the build.

Our tower looked like an amusement park ride.

In the end, our tower was the sturdiest.

Blog Challenge!

I did another blog challenge this time of my other cat Tigger!

!Synthesis Eggs!

My Synthesis eggs. Here is a photo of my Mahi. My photo explains everything (Sorry it's not good footage)

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Animal blog challenge!

This week's blog challenge I did my cat Tabby!

Friday, 29 May 2020

Catapult Challenge!

Whetu Catapult Challenge.

The things that I used to make my catapult were: Ice block sticks, rubber bands, and a spoon.

To make my catapult I worked with Roanne and Lola H.

The most challenging part was to attach the pieces together.

Our best results were that our pom pom went quite high.

Overall I think that our one was an 8 out of 10 because I think that we position it wrong.


I did the onomatopoeia sentences.   
I think I did very good.